If you’re a property owner or want to buy or sell property, it’s essential that the title is clear from competing claims and other issues. These issues can hold up refinancing, prevent you from obtaining title insurance, or even put a sale on hold. To resolve these issues, you need to file a quiet title action, a lawsuit that determines the property's actual owner. If you plan to sell a property with competing claims, it pays to file a quiet title action proactively so that nothing holds up the sale or discourages buyers from considering your property.
Contact Law Offices of Stuart J. Snider to schedule a consultation with a lawyer today. 248-985-8525
In addition to competing claims, such as family squabbles over property ownership or unclear title in a decedent's Estate, quiet title actions help property owners reestablish their claim to ownership if another party conveyed the property fraudulently by a forged deed or by coercion, occupied the property illegally and now claims ownership, disputed your boundary lines, or if you wanted to clear an easement. In addition, if you’ve lost your property in a court-ordered or tax-related sale, you might want to pursue a quiet title action if you believe that the sale was improperly ordered. Conversely, if you bought a property in one of these types of sales, it would be wise for you to remove the former owner’s claims through a quiet title action.
Your lawyer will present the evidence that you are the rightful owner to a judge. Often, if the other party’s claim goes back many years, they might not even show up for the hearing. However, if the other party does appear, the court will hear their claims as well. If your side prevails, the other party can never assert their claims again. Depending on the complexity of your case, the process can take anywhere from two to six months to complete. Since there is so much at stake, you need a real estate lawyer with a solid record of proven success in quiet title claims. Our real estate legal team has years of experience settling quiet title actions successfully for our clients. Put them on your side for your property title claim.
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17211 W 12 Mile Rd
Southfield, MI